速報APP / 遊戲 / Airborne Racer

Airborne Racer





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:193818, Pyatiletok st, 17 Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Airborne Racer(圖1)-速報App

Do you want to be real Sky Walker? Do you want to feel the force? Then this game is for you!

Dodge changing buildings and collect bonuses. This is a real super jet simulator in the city.

Fly fast and watch your back!

Airborne Racer(圖2)-速報App

If you fast enough and can get all the bonuses, you'll have a chance to open bonus level!

This offline and online challenges offer you an unbelievable experience!


Airborne Racer(圖3)-速報App

✭ Multiple control type: gyroscope (accelerometer), buttons.

✭ Modern futuristic 3D city environment

✭ Multiple game modes: Endless, Arcade, Time-Trial

Airborne Racer(圖4)-速報App

✭ Secret bonus track!

✭ Lots of different vehicles with different speed

✭ Superb electro music

Airborne Racer(圖5)-速報App

✭ Free to play: you do not have to pay to win. Your win depends on your skills!

Airborne Racer will be updated constantly. Please rate and give your feedback for further improvement of the game.

Airborne Racer(圖6)-速報App